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Mistral's Tale: The Golden Dawn

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Mistral's Tale: The Golden Dawn Empty Mistral's Tale: The Golden Dawn

Post  Delta Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:54 am


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Join date : 2012-01-18

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Mistral's Tale: The Golden Dawn Empty Re: Mistral's Tale: The Golden Dawn

Post  Delta Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:54 am

James leaned on the railing that looked out over the sea.  Since he left school, he tended to like working from here.  It was where Dave used to work, and sometimes, he actually thought that he caught a glimpse of his brother walking along the boardwalk.  It was stupid, since Dave was gone… in about the worst way imaginable, in jail because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time… on fuckin’ vacation!  Though he didn’t show it before graduation, Dave’s death really did rip their family apart.  James barely talked to his parents anymore, and they treated him like he was a ghost or something, just waiting to go the same way as his brother, with nothing in the world that they could do to stop it.

He sneared at the thought, trying to banish it from his head.  He took a last drag off his cigarette and flicked the butt out into the ocean.  The smoke made him sick, and the taste was even worse, and yet, it still didn’t matter.  It helped him calm down more than anything else, and he wasn’t stupid enough to use the products he sold out in public.  That was at least part of what got his brother into trouble, or so he pictured.

The late September air started to get cold quickly and James pulled his jacket tighter around his body.  The stupid kid was running late.  James pulled his phone out of his pocket to check what time it was and to see if he’d gotten any sort of message.  Nothing, of course.  Seriously, what was the point of cell phones if no one could use them while driving?  He grit his teeth and sent a quick message.  The dealer wasn’t going to stay for long and if this fool thought he was gonna set up another meeting, he was smokin’ something.  Because after this, 4 delays, and now running late?  James really wanting to just walk away.  No one client was worth this much trouble!  It took a couple minutes before he got the message back.  “...5 more minutes…” he scoffed, shoving the phone back into his pocket irritably.  “That’s what you fuckin’ said half an hour ago.”

Finally, he heard the grinding of tires on gravel that indicated that someone was pulling into the parking lot.  “‘Bout damn time,” he muttered to himself, stepping back from the pier so that his back wasn’t facing the water, but a long, sandy beach. As he waited, James reached up to rub his nose, making sure to project an aura of confidence to the stranger.  He took one final glance around the pier.  There wasn’t anyone there.  And there he waited his client.

Yet, despite his expectations, no one actually got out of the vehicle.  James, peaked between the buildings and rolled his eyes.  “You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me,” he muttered and started to head back towards the gravel parking lot just to find out what the fuck was going on.  When he got there, though, he couldn’t see anything, no car, no client, nothing.  “...Mannnn!” he complained, furrowing his brows and checking his phone again.  It was time for him to get the fuck out of there.  That was when he realized it.  NO cars.  Not even his.  “...The fuck did my car go?!?” he asked out into the night, moving to where it should’ve been.  As  he did so, he spotted a small card in the gravel.  The dealer bent down to pick it up.  In meticulous cursive, the hand-written note said, “Come in closer.”  It was as he was trying to figure out what the hell that meant when he suddenly heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights.  It was a fuckin’ ambush!

He stood there frozen, feeling his heart pounding in his chest, much the same way as it did when he found Grant fooling around in the A/V room last year.  James grit his teeth and watched as at least a dozen cop cars rushed into his location and surrounded him, their bright lights all turned and focused on him.  “I’m not going to jail, I’m not going to jail, I’m not going to jail…” he kept muttering to himself and, after forcing himself to control his emotions, even if for just a moment, the young man looked up towards the lights and thought he could see one of the officers step out of his car.  “...Evening officer…” he called out with a bright grin.

The sound that greeted him, however, wasn’t friendly at all, but the sound of a shotgun action being pumped.  “DOWN ON THE GROUND, HANDS AND FEET SPREAD APART!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” James called back, his eyes suddenly going wide as he moved to do EXACTLY what they said.  “What the hell, I didn’t do anything!” he shouted out as he lay on the ground, feeling his heart collapsing along with the resolve that crumbled within him at the idea that there were actually guns pointed at him!

Several officers quickly rushed in, guns all trained on the boy as they quickly pulled his hands back to slap a pair of cuffs on him.  It was only then that they lowered their weapons and gruffly pulled the young man to a sitting position as the lead officer came forward with furrowed brows.  “James Dubnik?” he asked, staying standing and in the light so that James couldn’t see him clearly.

James was nearly in panic mode and actually looked like he was about to cry.  “What’d I do?!?” he whined, having no idea what to do.

The cop nodded and turned to the others.  “Take him in,” he ordered and turned back to his car.

“Wait… wait… wait… you gotta tell me, what’d I do?”

The cop stopped and turned back towards him.  “Do you see where I am?  Do you see where you are?” he asked with a raised brow.  “I don’t have to do shit for your punk ass putting drugs on my streets!  Take him away, boys,” he ordered again, ignoring all further screams of the kid as he got into his car and expecting the others to follow his orders.

Within minutes, James, despite his screams and protests, was shoved into the back of one of the cruisers.  His biggest fear was that they were just going to take him in.  Ever since he started in the business, he had been working on ensuring that he could pass a search if something like this happened, but that would’ve required him to actually BE searched.  He hit his head a little bit on the door of the car, but was thrown in gruffly and they didn’t even bother to buckle him up.  It wasn’t until the door was closed that he stopped fighting.  He closed his eyes and muttered out, “...Shit…”

When he opened his eyes, however, James saw a small glistening object on the seat in front of him.  It took a second for him to figure out what exactly it was. The tiny key could only be for one thing, but what the hell was the fleur de leis doing at the top of a handcuff key?  He didn’t ask questions (like there was anyone to ask at the moment) and he started to lift up his body just as the car started to move forward.  The key slid back and under him so that he could catch it with his restrained hands as he sat up fully to get an idea of where they were going.  As he did so, he let the key move towards the lock, quietly unclicking them, but… what he was going to do next… well, he had no idea.

The car headed down Long Beach Blvd before turning right onto 6th street.  He furrowed his brows, now just holding his hands behind his back to keep from arousing suspicion.   Not that even these cops wouldn’t figure it out when they opened the door, but still… even a temporary freedom gave him some hope.

They went a couple of miles before they passed by the familiar sights around his old High School. But with his attention on the side windows, he didn’t see the large cloud of smoke they were driving through.  Within seconds, the cloud enveloped the car completely.  He could see the cops slowing down in the front seat on the other side of the partition and suddenly, the emblem on the key made sense.  He slowly reached up, hoping that the cops stayed distracted and tried to open the door.  To his surprise, it opened.  He quickly rushed out and ran through the smoke in the direction of the only thing he knew: the school, hoping that he could get the locks opened before the cops could find him through the smoke screen!

James fumbled his way towards the doors, missing somewhat from the lack of his own sight, but finally found the large front door.  He pulled his wallet out, including the thin tools he needed to pick the lock, like he’d done so many times before.  He could see the searchlights casting through the lifting cloud and forced himself to hurry.  Once he heard the familiar click, he quickly moved his way inside, surprised to already find the alarm disarmed and the lights in the hallway on.  And at the end of the hall, stood a cocky looking man with messy, dark hair and a light, scattered beard.

“Ah, good, you made it!” the stranger declared with a bright grin. “I was starting to worry.”

“...Who the hell are you?” James asked, looking towards the man skeptically, not sure if he was better off here or with the police.

“Ah, yes, James, I should, of course, introduce myself.  My name is Ethan.  Ethan Locke,” he said, his grin only growing more smug by the second to see James’ dumbstruck face.

“Yeah?  And what do you want with me?” he asked, raising a brow.

“Quite simply?  To change your world.”

Posts : 879
Join date : 2012-01-18

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